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The BEST time to start is NOW!

It's time to break through your limiting beliefs and know you are amazing and can truly do anything you put your mind to.  There is a famous saying, "An ounce of doubt will sink a battleship."  It's time to release the doubts, uncertainties, and feeling unworthy because you are worthy of greatness. 

Like me, you've probably kick started a habit with gusto and enthusiasm....but instead you let your thoughts dance in your head like a bull in a china cabinet knocking down and shattering all the goals you had set for yourself? Girl, we have all been there. 


If that weren't bad enough, when left alone in the depths of your thoughts, you find yourself shaming your behaviors labeling them as bad.  

I see you because I've walked in similar shoes!

Actions are great but they must be coupled with the mindset and belief system to help you break through your personal glass ceiling.  You know, the one we all put on ourselves that has left us in the same patterns and thus getting the same results over and over and over. 

Its time for a change at Rebolistic Wellness
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Are you ready to break through your personal glass ceiling?

I've got your back.

My passion is helping successful women rise to a whole new level in wellness!

This program focuses on a holistic approach to wellness, with an emphasis on clean eating, mindfulness, and exercise. On top of that, we'll help you knock down the emotional barriers that have held you back in the past. By the end of your 45 days with me, you will hardly recognize the past version of yourself.  You'll feel more energized, confident, and equipped with the tools you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

You will begin this program with a goal-setting session with me, your personal wellness mentor. But I don't leave you there! With private calls and access to me via your own private messaging portal, you get the accountability and guidance you deserve. I know how overwhelming it can feel to tackle wellness because it means we have to try something a little bit different from our norm. 


With your commitment and my guidance, you can do great things!  And even with a busy schedule, because we've all been there, the Conscious Wellness program will help you transform your health and reach your wellness goals.

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is a relationship between you and your body.


Through the course of 45 days, you will learn to:

  • Eat healthy at home every night, if you choose to do so 

  • How to let go of the guilt if you can’t!

  • Utilize eating out and meal prep services to STILL meet your health goals

  • Manage meal planning and grocery shopping without stress

  • Learn about clean eating and then simple tips on how to implement it without rocking your whole world. 

  • Enjoy eating and obtaining amazing results WITHOUT a diet mindset

  • Discover and put into practice the basics of an anti-inflammatory eating style

  • Listen to your body and give it what it needs in order to feel more energized, rested, and balanced, even when you’re on-the-go

  • Implement mindfulness with eating and cooking, even in your busy lifestyle.

  • Structure your day to prioritize wellness!

Rebolistic Wellness offers hope

“You helped me to understand how my subconscious beliefs impact my conscious choices. I couldn’t really see it until your program guided me through it.”

- Kathryn

Over the entire 45 days, I am here for you and at your fingertips!

Together, we will:

  • Discuss your history, health, and goals

  • Schedule weekly 30-minute private calls to support and manage your progress

  • Track your progress

  • Communicate regularly through private messaging in the portal and email as questions or challenges arise

  • Discover three 7-day meal plans WITH the recipes and done-for-you shopping lists

  • Find recipes that fit your likes and nutrition needs

  • Utilize a collection of online resources that will remain available to you

heather celebrates client wins

This is not for you if...

You're looking for a quick fix or have discovered that quick fixes do not work. This is also not for individuals who are seeking the next diet fad or exercise trend to be the answer to their prayers.  Rather, this program is for those who are looking to make genuine, conscious changes to their overall well-being so they can kick inflammation, bloating, sluggishness, or low energy to the curb.  

This is for all the ladies out there who know what they want, but just need the extra little push to follow through.

I'm eager and exited to get to know you and to become one of your biggest cheerleaders. You've got this. All decisions start with a yes!  

Looking forward to celebrating all of your successes, both big and small, though out this program.

Cheers to you for making the decision to let your greatness shine!


“The mental progress I have made feels unmeasurable. I have been able to tune out outside sources and fear-based information and learn to trust my body.”


“What I felt in your program was the psychological safety you create. You offer a space that is safe and truly judgment free. You go deep, but it’s such a loving and encouraging container.” 


“You related to me. You helped me recreate my relationship with food and see wellness differently and gave real, doable, personalized tips.”
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